The Two-Games-a-Month Challenge: A Quest for Gaming Success in 2024!!

The title says it all! I am embarking on a gaming journey this year with a clear goal in mind! For me, setting targets adds a layer of motivation and structure to this hobby. At times, I lose motivation to clear out my backlog. The sheer number of titles and my life responsibilities contribute to this. But this year, the one ambitious gaming goal I have is the challenge of beating two games per month. Let's delve into what drives this goal and how I plan on approaching it.

But first, why two games a month? The rationale behind this stems from a desire for balance and progress. Two games seems very realistic and achievable for me (with some optimization). For example, I’ll need to mix shorter games into the rotation among the games that may take me more than a month to beat. Setting a goal to beat two games each month will encourage me to make headway through my backlog at a decent pace. It will also keep me from being too overwhelmed.

Here is a blueprint for how I am approaching the challenge:

  1. Prioritize: With limited time available for gaming, it is essential to prioritize which games to tackle first. I can maximize efficiency by having a structured approach. This approach can be based on personal interest, game length, or completion percentage.

  2. Time Management: Efficient time management is crucial when aiming to complete two games monthly. I can help maintain momentum by allocating dedicated gaming sessions, setting realistic milestones, and avoiding distractions.

  3. Variety is Key!: Embracing variety in gaming experiences ensures that the challenge remains engaging throughout the year. Switching between genres and gameplay styles can prevent burnout and keep motivation high.

  4. Community Engagement: Joining gaming communities or forums dedicated to backlog clearing can provide support, accountability, and valuable insights. Sharing progress on Backloggery and discussing strategies with like-minded individuals can enhance the overall experience. Celebrating achievements together can also contribute to this.

  5. Flexibility: Consistency is key to achieving the goal. However, it's essential to remain flexible and adapt to unforeseen circumstances. Life events, busy schedules, or unexpected game difficulties may require adjusting the challenge's pace. But I expect to beat 24 games during the 2024 calendar year nonetheless.

I think I’ll be fine so long as I am mindful of these five ground rules!

Progress thus far (games beaten in 2024):

1). Fire Emblem: Engage
2). Super Mario Bros. Wonder

3). Ashen
4). (Super Mario RPG) - this will be wrapped up by end of Feb for sure, so I’m claiming it!

The two-games-a-month challenge represents more than just a gaming milestone. It's a journey to seriously tackle my backlog. I aim to reconnect with a favorite hobby, challenge myself, and achieve an elusive milestone. As 2024 unfolds, let the quest for gaming success begin!

I’ll update my progress monthly!


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