Nintendo Direct Partner Showcase Reaction

Nintendo dropped a Partner Direct on 2/21/24!

Overall, I give it a grade of B. I had super low expectations for it. Therefore, it exceeded my low expectations! Below are my standouts divided into two categories: DAY ONE and INTERESTED. Day One games are the ones I've got my sights set on from the get-go, ready to dive into the moment they hit the shelves. Games I'm 'interested' in are the ones sparking my curiosity, ones I'll be keeping an eye on and might pick up either on release or somewhere down the road.

DAY ONE Purchases

Unicorn Overlord

Experiencing strong Ogre Battle vibes! Excited for this game! Finishing Super Mario RPG and then diving into this come March 8th!

Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance

I missed out on the vanilla release and almost picked it up on sale several times. However, I'm glad I held off because now I have the opportunity to experience all the QOL improvements, enhancements and additional content of the definitive edition!

Endless Ocean: Luminous

I played the very first Endless Ocean game all the way through early on in the Wii’s lifecycle and I really enjoyed it! I didn’t pick up the sequel on Wii but I’m excited to dive back in to swim with the fishes once more!


I’m eagerly anticipating updates on the upcoming game releases listed below. Should these titles receive positive reviews, I’ll consider picking them up as well.

  • Pentiment

  • Kingdom Come: Delieverance

  • Tales of Kenzera

  • Contra: Operation Galuga

Additional Day Ones this year include the already known Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door and another game I’m interested in depending on more information is Princess Peach: Showtime!


Rumor: Switch 2 “delayed” to Q1 2025


Sony’s FY24 Q3 Results