Rumor: Switch 2 “delayed” to Q1 2025

There have been multiple rumors suggesting that the launch of the successor to the Switch will be pushed to 2025. It is important to note that a delay implies missing a set release date, which does not apply in this case since no release date had been announced initially. Nevertheless, many were expecting the new console to launch this year.

Just yesterday, the rumors of a 2025 launch were pretty much cemented in my view once Nikkei weighed in.

The reasons given for the 2025 launch is Nintendo’s aim to have plenty of hardware units ready for launch and to allow developers more time to work on software, as reported by Nikkei.

This makes a lot of sense.

Switch had a successful year in 2017 due to Nintendo's consistent release of fresh software each month, maintaining momentum. Nintendo applied past lessons from previous console releases like the Wii U and the 3DS, which really struggled with software availability during the launch window. Despite Iwata's goal to prevent this issue with the Wii U, Nintendo wouldn’t successfully address it until the Switch. It is regrettable that Iwata is not with us to witness the triumph of his Switch concept.

The current 2024 Nintendo Switch lineup may be considered lukewarm by some, but it still offers noteworthy double-AA efforts that cater to varied tastes. Meanwhile, competitors Xbox and PlayStation are facing challenges with their first-party software output.

For my own selfish reasons, this “postponement” is quite favorable. There isn't much happening in the gaming industry in the 2024 calendar year across all three major companies - Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft. Consequently, 2024 appears to be the perfect year to concentrate on completing my backlog of games. That’s EXACTLY how I intend to make use of this period! Moreover, I hope for a consistent supply of top-notch software for the new console in 2025, akin to the way the Switch was supported back in 2017.

I have a strategy to clear my backlog this year: my plan is to beat at least two games per month on average in 2024. I encourage Switch owners to savor the quality offerings we do receive this year and use the rest of your time efficiently to clear your backlogs!


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